Italian video Courses


1 - Pronunciation and alphabet

Learn the letters of the alphabet and how to pronounce Italian words.

#Pronunciation | #Listening exercises | #Alphabet

2 - Greetings and self-introductions

Discover the most common Italian greetings.

#Expressions and new words | #Greetings | #Self introductions

3 - Numbers from one to twenty

How to count from one to twenty and mathematical symbols.

#Expressions and new words

4 - Personal pronouns

Conjugate the present tense of the verb "essere" (to be) and “avere” (to have). Learn how to introduce yourself.

#Verb tenses | #Expressions and new words | #Listening exercises | #Self introductions | #Personal pronoun


5 - Noun gender

Identify noun gender and learn the Italian noun groups.

#Grammatical elements | #Elements agreement | #Name and Adjectives


6 - Italian articles

Use of the articles and of the apostrophe.

#Grammatical elements | #Writing exercises | #Elements agreement

7 - The conjugations and the present tense

Learn the three main verb groups and how to conjugate the present tense of regular verbs.

#Verb tenses | #Listening exercises | #Grammatical elements


8 - How are you?

Learn how to conjugate the present tense of the verb "stare” (to stay). Ask how someone is and say how you are.

#Expressions and new words | #Greetings | #Self introductions

9 - Type of sentences and the verbs "to go" and "to come"

Construction and intonation of Italian sentences. Learn the prepositions used with the verbs "andare" (to go) and "venire" (to come).

#Pronunciation | #Expressions and new words | #Listening exercises | #Use of prepositions


10 - Cardinal and ordinal numbers

How to form and read numbers in Italian.

#Listening exercises | #Expressions and new words


11 - The polite form

Learn how to speak with other people in a formal way.

#Expressions and new words | #Self introductions


12 - Modal verbs

Present tense of modal verbs and their usage.

#Listening exercises | #Writing exercises | #Verb constructions

13 - At the coffee bar

Ordering something to drink or eat at the coffee bar. Learn many words related to this situation.

#Listening exercises | #Expressions and new words | #Specific situations


14 - Irregular verbs

Discover how to identify irregular verbs and how to conjugate them.

#Verb tenses


15 - Prepositions and coordinating conjunctions

Meaning and usage of the prepositions and differences among the more common coordinating conjunctions.

#Grammatical elements | #Conjunctions | #Use of prepositions

16 - Days of the week, months of the year and seasons

How days, months and seasons are called. Discover the zodiac signs. Learn how to schedule meetings.

#Expressions and new words | #Common situations


17 - Adjectives and colours

Inflection of adjectives. The names of the colours.

#Grammatical elements | #Expressions and new words | #Elements agreement | #Name and Adjectives


18 - Say what time it is and learn how to schedule meetings

Telling the time and making a date, talking about opening hours and learn how to book a room in an hotel.

#Expressions and new words | #Specific situations | #Common situations


19 - When to use the imperative mood and how it's formed

Lesson about the main concepts of the imperative mood.

#Verb tenses


20 - Reflexive verbs and adverbs of frequency

Understand how the reflexive verbs are conjugated and talk about your routine.

#Expressions and new words | #Writing exercises | #Grammatical elements | #Use os particles | #Common situations


21 - Adverbs of place and particle "ci"

Learn some adverbs of place and how they can be replaced by the particle "ci". Construct verbs with the particle "ci".

#Grammatical elements | #Writing exercises | #Use os particles | #Adverbs


22 - Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Learn the demonstrative adjectives and understand the difference between adjective and pronoun.

#Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Name and Adjectives | #Elements agreement


23 - Professions and occupations

Asking and speaking about jobs that people do. Learn the correct way of using professional names.

#Listening exercises | #Expressions and new words | #Specific situations | #Common situations | #Self introductions


24 - Possessive adjectives and the family

Learn how to use the possessive adjectives and discover the names of relatives and learn how to speak about your family.

#Grammatical elements | #Expressions and new words | #Writing exercises | #Name and Adjectives | #Specific situations | #Elements agreement


25 - The verb "to like" and the pronouns of indirect object

Learn the pronouns of the indirect objects through the understanding of the verb "to like".

#Grammatical elements | #Expressions and new words | #Pronoun | #Use os particles | #Personal pronoun


26 - Adverbs of quality

How to identify and create the adverbs of quality.

#Grammatical elements | #Listening exercises | #Adverbs

27 - Comparative and superlative of the adjectives

Learn how you can compare things using the comparative and superlative of the adjectives and adverbs.

#Writing exercises | #Grammatical elements | #Adverbs | #Name and Adjectives


28 - Indefinite pronouns and adjectives

Know and learn how to use the indefinite pronouns.

#Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Name and Adjectives


29 - Pronouns of the object

Learn the pronouns of the object and understand how they work in detail.

#Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Personal pronoun | #Use os particles


30 - Past simple tense and compound tenses

Learn to talk about things that happened in the past. See how you can conjugate the past participle and how it behaves differently from other tenses. Discover what the Italian auxiliary verbs are and understand how you can use them to construct the "passato prossimo".

#Verb tenses | #Listening exercises


31 - L'imperfetto (an Italian past tense)

Repeated events in the past or events that developed themselves during a period of time in the past are described by the "imperfetto". Learn how to use this very common Italian past tense.

#Verb tenses


32 - Gerund and the present continuous

Learn how to use the gerund and how to construct the present continuous.

#Listening exercises | #Verb tenses | #Verb constructions


33 - Contemporary temporal clause

Start making more complex sentences. Connect an action with an other one by using the contemporary temporal clause.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


34 - Implicit subordinate final clause

Implicit subordinate final clause let you define the aim of a specific action.

#Building sentences | #Verb constructions | #Writing exercises


35 - Relative clause

You can use the adjective clause to add information that are related to a specific element.

#Building sentences | #Pronoun


36 - Altered names and adjectives

How to build augmentatives and pejoratives. Diminutives are very much used, but unfortunately there is not a precise rule to construct them. Look how some diminutives are built.

#Grammatical elements | #Name and Adjectives


37 - Implicit posterior temporal clause

With implicit posterior temporal clause you can describe something that happens after a reference action.

#Building sentences | #Verb constructions


38 - Partitive articles

We use partitive articles to indicate a part of a whole.

#Grammatical elements | #Elements agreement


39 - Very common Italian expressions and constructions

Learn some very common expressions that will help you express yourself in daily situations.

#Listening exercises | #Verb constructions | #Expressions and new words | #Common situations


40 - Combined pronouns

When the pronouns of the indirect object meet other pronouns (like some pronouns of the objects) they behave in a different way. Read the dialogue of the clothes shop and learn the names of the clothes too.

#Grammatical elements | #Expressions and new words | #Specific situations | #Pronoun | #Use os particles


41 - The particle "ce"

In some cases the particle "ci" has to become "ce".

#Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Use os particles


42 - Impersonal verbs

Learn how to conjugate impersonal verbs and when to use them.

#Verb constructions


43 - Nominal relative clause (object) introduced by some verbs

The nominal relative clause expresses the object of an action.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


44 - Implicit nominal relative clause (subject)

This clause is similar to the object clause, but act if it was the subject of an action.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


45 - How to learn new words

Listen to the dialogues and learn the names of some common symptoms and the names of many parts of the body.

#Listening exercises | #Expressions and new words | #Common situations | #Specific situations


46 - The particle "ne"

This is actually a pronoun that replaces something when is a part of something else. Learn how to talk about different kind of meats, cheeses and other supermarket products.

#Grammatical elements | #Expressions and new words | #Specific situations | #Pronoun | #Use os particles


47 - Imperative

How to conjugate and use the imperative in Italian.

#Verb tenses | #Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Personal pronoun



48 - Review levels A1 and A2

Check if you remember everything we did until now before proceeding.

#Review (A1 A2) | #Listening exercises | #Writing exercises | #Pronoun | #Name and Adjectives | #Use os particles


49 - Simple future tense

This tense is used to describe actions that are going to happen in the future. Read the articles, listen to the interview and learn how to identify and build the simple future tense of the verbs.

#Listening exercises | #Writing exercises | #Verb tenses


50 - Present conditional

Use the present conditional to express a desire or a possibility.

#Writing exercises | #Verb tenses


51 - Comparative and superlative of the adjectives and adverbs (link to the lesson)

link page

#Grammatical elements | #Name and Adjectives


52 - Sentence Analysis

Sentences can easily become complicated. There are many kind of sentences that require specific verb tenses. Understand which kind of information you want to communicate is necessary to pick the rights verb tense. Start understanding how complex sentences are structured.

#Building sentences


53 - Coordinate clauses and textual conjunctions

Have a look at some kind of coordinative and textual conjunctions.

#Building sentences | #Conjunctions


54 - Observation of some groups of adjectives

Some adjectives can be grouped together based on their endings. The adjectives of each group have more or less a common origin and a semantic direction. With this in mind it is possible to build adjectives from nouns and verbs.

#Grammatical elements | #Name and Adjectives | #Adverbs



55 - Phrasal verbs

Some verbs can change their meaning if paired with pronouns, prepositions, nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Learn how to conjugate them.

#Expressions and new words | #Verb constructions | #Grammatical elements | #Pronoun | #Use os particles


56 - Historical present and the "imperfetto storico"

Especially in the spoken Italian, but in the written too, is possibile to use the present tense to speak about things that happened in the past. Read the little story and understand how the present can be used and how can be related to other verb tenses.

#Writing exercises | #Verb tenses | #Expressions and new words | #Common situations


57 - "Trapassato prossimo" (+/- Past perfect)

To describe an event that happened before another event in the past you need to use the past perfect. Learn how to use it.

#Verb tenses


58 - Meaning and usage of "magari"

Learn how to use this "multi-meaning" word.

#Expressions and new words | #Common situations


59 - "Congiuntivo presente"

The "congiuntivo" is used to create a relation among the dependent clauses and the main one. Learn in which situations you should use the "congiuntivo presente".

#Verb tenses


60 - Noun clauses (object - part 1)

This clause act as it were the object of the main clause. Learn when you have to use the "congiuntivo" mood.

#Writing exercises | #Building sentences


61 - Perfect infinitive

How to build the "infinito passato", that in Italian is considered to be the perfect of the infinitive.

#Verb tenses


62 - Implicit noun clauses (object)

The implicit noun clauses (object) differ from the normal ones because they don't have an explicit subject. Learn how to build them and in which situations they can be used.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


63 - The "congiuntivo passato"

Learn how to build the "congiuntivo passato".

#Verb tenses


64 - Noun clauses (object - part 2)

Learn which verb tense has to be chosen to construct object noun clauses based on the temporal relation these sentences establish with the action of the main clause.

#Building sentences


65 - Noun clauses (subject)

They are built in the same way as the object noun clauses, but they act as they were the subject of the main clause.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


66 - Tell your opinion

Read the article and answer the questions. Learn how to say your opinion.

#Expressions and new words | #Writing exercises | #Common situations


67 - Subordinate final clause

Learn how to build a clause that describes the aim of the action of the main clause.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


68 - "La frase esclusiva"

We use this clause to exclude something from the action of the main clause.

#Building sentences | #Verb constructions


69 - Indirect interrogative clause

Transform a question in a indirect interrogative clause based on the action of the main clause.

#Verb constructions | #Building sentences


70 - "Passato remoto"

Learn how to identify and build this verb tense. Understand when you can use it and how irregular verbs behave.

#Writing exercises | #Verb tenses


71 - Passive form

Learn how to recognize and build sentences using the passive form.

#Verb constructions | #Writing exercises | #Grammatical elements



72 - The "si passivante"

Learn a very popular and highly effective construction in the passive form context.

#Verb constructions


73 - The "congiuntivo imperfetto"

Learn how to recognize and build the "congiuntivo imperfetto". Discover when you have to use it.

#Verb tenses


74 - The "congiuntivo trapassato"

Learn how to recognize and build the "congiuntivo trapassato". Discover when you have to use it.

#Verb tenses


75 - The perfect conditional

Learn how to recognize and build the perfect conditional. Discover when you have to use it.

#Verb tenses | #Writing exercises


76 - Causal clause

We use this clause to explain the reason why the action of the main clause occurs.

#Building sentences


77 - Present (and perfect) gerund

In addition to replace coordinative clauses, this verb tense, as the infinitive, is used to build some types of implicit clauses too.

#Verb tenses


78 - Implicit causal clause

Unlike the implicit clauses that we did until now, the implicit causal clause can be constructed in many ways. Discover how to build this clause. Read and write the end of a fairy tale.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


79 - Present participle

Learn how to build the present participle and see in which situations it is usually used.

#Verb tenses


80 - Implicit relative clauses and nominal sentences

Learn how you can construct the implicit relative clauses. Read the article and answer the questions.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


81 - Future perfect

Learn how to construct this verb tense and in which situations you can use it.

#Verb tenses | #Verb constructions


82 - Temporal clauses

The temporal clauses communicate when the action of the main clause occurs. They are slightly different from the clauses we have seen until now. Learn how to construct them.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


83 - Consecutive clause

They express the rational consequence of the action of the main clause. We need to use elements that we have never seen so far to construct them.

#Building sentences



84 - Conditional clause

Learn how to use a sentence with the conditional clause. Read the article and answer the questions. Read the poem and give your opinion.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


85 - Comparative clause

Learn how to build and use these clauses.

#Building sentences | #Writing exercises


86 - Concessive clause

Learn how to build and use these clause.

#Building sentences


87 - Italian connectives

Summary scheme of Italian connectives

#Building sentences | #Grammatical elements | #Conjunctions


88 - Groups of clauses

Have a look at the review schemes of the independent clauses that we have seen during the course.

#Building sentences | #Conjunctions


89 - Next steps

What you can do to continue learning Italian. Greetings and best wishes from the Italian Video Courses team!


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